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Salt & Silk

By: D Meredith McFadden

How Welshman Morgan Aubrey made a fortune as a Salter in Elizabethan London and founded a dynasty.

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Published: 2005  /  Format: Paperback  /  ISBN: 9780954958209  /  RRP: £12.99

Silk & Sons

By: D Merredith McFadden

What happened when Morgan’s descendant married the daughter of powerful Lord Harcourt, Queen Anne’s favourite Lord Chancellor  


Published: 2009  /  Format: Paperback  /  ISBN: 9780954958220  /  RRP: £7.00



Sons & Spouses

By D Meredith McFadden

What their unscrupulous husbands and their children did, when the remaining Aubrey heiresses came into their wealth.


Published: 2013  /  Format: Paperback  /  ISBN: 9780954958244  /  RRP: £9.00

Cane Hill Hospital: The Tower on the Hill

By: Pam Buttrey

Describes the life of thousands of patients and staff who lived and worked in ‘the Tower on the Hill’, first opened in 1883.


Published: 2010  /  Format: Paperback  /  ISBN: 9780954958237  /  RRP: £11.00

Lyss Place

By: Pam Buttrey

What research into 900 years of history into an estate in Hampshire revealed about its owners and neighbours. 


Published: 2008  /  Format: Paperback  /  ISBN: 9780954985213  /  RRP: £25.00

Adventures of a 1940s Wannabe

By: D Meredith McFadden

Tells the story of a seventeen-year old would-be actress who lands in England just as World War II has ended.


Published: 2014  /  Format: Paperback  /  

ISBN: 9780954958251  /  RRP: £9.00

Crits & Comments

"I'd like to say how much I enjoyed Silk & Sons.  I went back first and re-read the second half of Salt & Silk to get me up to speed with the earlier generations and the personalities around them.  I feel I know them all personally now as you bring them to life with such apparent ease.

Steve Aubrey, Bournemouth





Crits & Comments

"Salt & Silk is a great page-turner..."  Jennifer Jackson, Brisbane


"You have really caught the character of the self important males and the long suffering females and the general uncertainlty of the times..."  Eileen Pembridge, London


"I have finished reading Salt & Silk, and had to write to say how much I have enjoyed it. You have managed to immerse the reader in the past."  Diana White, Wales



Crits & Comments

"One of the most impressive features of your book is the way it draws on real family relations and connection..."


"I just want to say how much I enjoyed your other books especially Son and Sppuses."


"It was a very good to read how (the snippets of information) all fitted together..."

Crits & Comments

"I have found the book totally fascinating and the hard work and detail and research you have put in has been amazing…I enjoyed some of the accounts of the care and treatment and events that took place in the early 1900s!  It has really put some greater understanding in my mind to the historical background. Many thanks for a wonderful read"

Michael Bennett (Team Manager)

Crits & Comments

"My Bank Holiday reading was a fascinating book about the 500-year-history of Lyss Place in Hampshire, owned until recently by Tony Williams, very much the consultant-about-the-City through his firm Jomati. The detailed research for the book, written by Pam Buttrey, a local historian. Let’s hope other leading lawyers will follow his example."

Edward Fennell, The Times May 28, 2009

Survival of a Bomber Command Pilot - JUST RELEASED

By: D Meredith McFadden

Tells how a young Queensland boy joined the RAAF and survived the perils of World War II - only just.


Published: 2016  /  Format: Paperback  /  

ISBN: 9780954958268  /  RRP: £7.99

Crits & Comments

"You really cheered me up with your book. …I chuckled my way through your tale. Your character sketches were brilliant . ….  Frau Guntesblum had me in stitches along with Uncle Henry.  That one was a cameo from the past, it certainly reflected an era that has disappeared. It was great fun to read."

Sheila Dawes, Suffolk


"It’s charming. You do have a way with words!"

Rosemary MacHardy, California   

As an Aircraftsman Second Class, Bill McFadden rose through the ranks and ended the war as a Wing Commander and PA to Air Vice-Marshal Wrigley, Air Officer Commanding RAAF Overseas HQ in London.

In between, he served as a Sergeant Pilot in Bomber Command in England where he was wounded in combat.  In Malta, in a night time sortie, he torpedoed an enemy ship for which he was awarded the DFM. 


Dear Everybody – Letters from a Bomber Command Pilot - JUST RELEASED

By: D Meredith McFadden

Original source material from a World War Two pilot. 

Published: 2017  /  Format: Paperback  /  

ISBN: 9780954958275  /  RRP: £10.00

@ 2015 by McFadden & Buttrey

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